Enhance the Taste of
Your Meats
Enjoy our unique blend of seasonings aimed to pack a ton of FLVR.

For the Lovers of Good Taste
Food is made with love. The key to a good meal is both simplicity and the right seasoning. We have just the right amount of spice.


Lion's Mane

Brown Cap



Autumn Wild Mushroom Foraging Season
Mauris quis leo dapibus, varius metus non, faucibus purus. In fermentum, ligula eu gravida pellentesque, tortor nibh tempus lectus, sit amet lobortis nulla ante eget dolor.

Spice up your Life
We are here to spice things up with a little flvr! Our natural blend of seasonings help transform your dishes by bringing life to your meals.
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Along these lines, so, it very well may be said that the cooking and the spices go as an inseparable unit as the conventional nourishment things are prepared with a wide exhibit of spices.